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基于永安市第四次森林资源二类调查数据,采用主成分分析法建立森林质量评价体系,评价指标主要由反映林木质量和林地质量的10 个因子组成,质量等级划分为优、良、中和差4 级。从森林类别、树种组成和龄组结构3 个方面对森林质量进行分析,结果表明:全市乔木林森林质量指数为0.643,处于良等级,可通过精准提升进一步提高森林质量。结合永安实际情况,认为研究结果能够真实反映永安市森林资源质量,可以为制定科学的森林经营方案和森林可持续发展提供依据。
关键词:   森林资源;主成分分析;质量评价;可持续经营
Evaluation of Forest Quality Based on Subcompartment Scale in Yong’ an
Tang Yajuan
Forestry Bureau of Yong 'an
Based on the data of the fourth secondary survey of forest resources in Yong’an, the forest quality evaluation system was established by using principal component analysis. The evaluation indexes were mainly composed of 10 factors that reflected the timber quality and forest land quality. The quality index is divided excellent, good, medium and inferior. The forest quality is analyzed from three aspects including forest types, tree species composition and age groups. The results show that the forest quality index of the whole city is 0.643, which is a good grade. The forest quality can be further improved by accurate improvement. The research results is considered truly reflect the quality of forest resources combining with the actual situation of Yong’an, and provide the basis for formulating scientific forest management plan and sustainable development of forest.
Key words:   forest resources; principal component analysis; quality evaluation; sustainable development